Start With You Book Club | Living with a Seal

Start With You Book Club | Living with a Seal

Entrepreneur Jesse Itzler chronicles his month of living and extreme fitness training with a Navy SEAL in the New York Times and #1 LA Times bestseller LIVING WITH A SEAL. Entrepreneur Jesse Itzler will try almost anything. His life is about being bold and risky.

Q: Who recommended this book? Why? 

Michael: "A vendor at a NARPM conference.  She said that this guy was a total stud, and that it was one of the funniest and inspiring books she had ever read, and she was right.  I have probably given this book out to 20 people since I first read it, and every single person has told me they loved it."

Adam: "Mike recommended this book to me when I first started working to get back in shape.  It came at a time when I was very receptive to changing my life and habits."

Q: What lesson(s) did you learn from the book & how will you apply it to your business?

Michael: "We can all work harder than we think we can.  Jesse was pushed way past his limits in this book and because of that he grew stronger.  He accomplished things that he never thought possible because Seal knew that he was capable of more than the personal limits that Jesse had placed on himself. We can do that in business and life as well, by just believing that we can do more. Work on yourself and the rest will fall into place.

Adam: "Jesse told a story about peeing his pants on stage and forgetting the words to his own song in Denver.  20 years later nobody remembers that day except Jesse.  We have put ourselves in uncomfortable situations to grow as a company and professional.  People are not going to remember your failures 20 years from now but they will remember your unbelievable successes!  Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there to grow!"

Q: What is your number one takeaway from this book?

Michael: "Jesse had an amazing way of thinking outside the box and making things happen for himself. I loved how he worked his way into his first record deal, or when he figured out a way to get back stage to interview Grant Hill... He wouldn't take no for an answer, and I loved that attitude. I need to be a lot more like Jesse sometimes, and figure out a way to make the impossible happen."

Adam: "The biggest take away from this book is that your life doesn’t have to be “normal”.  I thought it was amazing Jesse asked this man to live in his home for 30 days to try to gain another perspective.  I would have never thought of doing such a thing but after reading this book I’m now searching was ways to grow and learn from others experiences in new ways.  I also learned that it’s ok to push yourself further than you think you can go.  This means different things to different people but for me I realized I haven’t realized my true limits in life and business."

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